Publication of May 2003 - Copying or reproduction also prohibited
a small quote - © - Copyright by Giuseppe Di Maggio





Personal data:
Name: Giuseppe Di Maggio
Date of birth: 06 June 1935


Naval machinist
Mechanical adjuster
On-board equipment
Deputy tester
Builder of prefabricated insulated houses
Dance master


Curriculum for the dance:


In 1961 I introduced the Argentine tango in Italy, having learned it in Germany in Hamburg, from the Argentine Master Author Carlos Copes, (examples of some figures: El Picadillo, El Enquentro, El Doble santa, El Lapis, El Gancio boleo, Cinchillo etc.)

Registered in the roll of honor of the imperial masters of London (England), as shown in the documents published on the website

First Sicilian in history qualified for international style (old English technique)
First Sicilian in history qualified gold grade in England
Published in the magazine "LEI MODA PER DONNA", the best school for teaching Argentine tango.
Published in the Italian medical journal "DOSSIER SALUTE" for the patented "DANZATERAPIA" technique of October 1997
Published in the medical journal "GEATRIX" of December 1985, distributed all over the world, as the best therapy against osteoporosis, contrary to aerobic dance and other frenetic rhythms absolutely contraindicated.


Only Master published in the De Agostini encyclopedia entitled "SCHOOL OF DANCE"
3 successful appearances at the famous Blackpool international festival.
A couple of his children "Cicì di Partinico prov: di Palermo" swept the Italian championships for standard dances.
One of his couple won over for abandonment of their opponents in the first competition held in Sicily for the specialties of Latin American dances.
All his couples swept the Mediterranean championships with international jury for the specialties: unified ballroom, standard dances, Latin American dances.
All his couples swept the first acrobatic rock championship held in Sicily.
Various participations in national and international congresses.
Appointed international judge for the “STEFANIA ROTOLO” trophy.
Published in many newspapers for the inventions of the "DANCING THERAPY, CODE 8 etc."
He had dedicated the first full page of the most important Sicilian newspaper "IL GIORNALE DI SICILIA" in the first competition of "DANCING THERAPY".
He abandoned teaching because in Sicily he found no opponents for his students and since then he devoted himself exclusively to the study of the "C-8" program, (logical method of the technique used in international competitions, easy to learn, full of basic figures zero risk.
Qualifications for all specialties: F.I.P.D. - B.A.T.D. - I.C.B.D. - Author of various publications including the C-8 technique
Author of the following regularly patented publications:


"ITALIAN MODERATE WALZER" (to replace the old, tiring and boring fast waltz
or Viennese, with about 400 basic figures.
Books "C-8": 1st degree, 2nd intermediate, 3rd bronze, 4th silver, 5th gold.
(All translated into: Italian, English, Spagholo, French)