for everyone and especially for the athlete it is undoubtedly smoking.
This toxic
it acts slowly and can break the strength of those who use it
extensively, even if the athlete in general, compared to a person who leads
a sedentary life, is able to expel a large part of toxins from the blood, by
introducing oxygen, limiting damage, this does not exclude that nicotine
must be considered a corrosive of the lung tissue and therefore, in any
case, it is contraindicated for its harmful substances, in fact it contains:
Pyridine, carbon monoxide, prussic acid, tar.
of the load of toxins, the blood is unable to perform its
role as a regenerator of muscles and epidermis, and that is why the smoker
generally feels nervousness, heart dysfunction, indigestion, loss of
appetite, migraine, insomnia, partial loss of memory, catarrhs, impotence,
impaired vision, premature old age.
For everyone
hese valid reasons, the student who is about to study this
technique must quit smoking, the program practiced with profit and
seriousness without excessive effort, will make all forms of intoxication
disappear. You will be surprised to wake up in the morning, completely
relaxed and with so much extra energy.
Giuseppe Di Maggio |