


Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even

a small quotation  - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio




Exercises and positions to avoid .


Exercises to be performed in the supine position .


Exercises to be performed in a standing position


Preventive possibility of osteoporosis:

Diet and exercise


It is no longer safe to say that "nothing can be done to counteract the bone loss associated with osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis can be prevented.

The early identification of individuals at highest risk makes it possible to apply some highly effective preventive measures, such as an adequate intake of calcium, a rational use of estrogen, simple physical exercises that exploit the load of body weight.

A bone mass 28% lower than the average of people of their age, has been found in people who have practiced vigorous, rhythmic exercises, which require considerable skills of flexibility, coordination, power and agility, such as dance for competition. , aerobic dance, jazz-dance, indiscriminately advertised in books, magazines, films.




1. Introduction of calcium 1000 mg per day before menopause 1500 mg after menopause

2. Introduction of vitamin D: 400 Ul per day for adults 800 seniors

3. Good exposure to sunlight

4. Correct posture 5. 1 hour of the "C-8" program, 3 times a week practiced under the guidance of qualified instructors who appear on this site.

Approved by the director of the Louisiana University Clinic

Carol Goodman