Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
Signa nazionaleBRCapitalBRASILIA
Popolazione 157100000
Surface in Km28547403
ReligionsCatholic, Protestant, seven of Jesus cristo
Languages usedPrtoghese (Brazilian) in a lot of zones 80% of illiteracy
Currency Real
Climatic situation Moderate's climate heat on the coasts that it is able causes bronchitises and tuberculosis
Sanitary situationThe public structures a lot of carenti, those private in the great centers good
Vaccinations Malaria, yellow febre, dengue
FarmaciOften that cannot be found and expensive
Zones to risk Favelas, crime,
Pericoli Roads with the sewers without covers, stray dogs, women, AIDS, dengue, tupercolosi, (climate bronchitis) taxi disonesti, precarious hygiene.
Ordinary highway network 143.701 kmMotorway net km 89.825
Railway net 30.177 kmPortsSantos, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Sepetiba, Paraguaną, Vittoria. Aereoporti Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia. Fuels Gasoline green Diesel GPL
Norms of guide it drives to the left