Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
Superficie in Km24030
ReligionsCatholic Linguages usedPortoghese
CurrencyEscudo capoverdiano
Sanitary situationDiscret
VaccinationsanybodyZones to riskDiscret
Ordinary highway network 1100 km
Motorway net No
Railway netNo
PortsPraia e San Vincente. Airports8
Tourist information
First aid Hospital
First aid Hospital Isola of Santiago - City of Praia Ospedale: tel 612462-612130 Police: tel 132 toll-free number Firemen: tel 131 toll-free number Island of Santiago: City of Assomada Ospedale: tel 651130 Police: tel 651132 Firemen: tel 651194 Island of Sal - Country of Espargos Ospedale: tel 411130 Police: tel 411132 Firemen: tel 411131 Island of Sal: Country of S.Maria Ospedale: tel 421130 Police: tel: 421132 Island of S.Vincente - City of Mindelo Ospedale: tel 327355 Police: tel 314631 Island of Boavista - Country of Sal Rei Ospedale: tel 511167 Police: tel 511132. Assisted road
Giuseppe Di Maggio