Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
ESPANA It initials nationalECapitalMADRID
Popolazione 38748053
Surface in Km2505950
Languages usedSpanish (Castilian) Catalan, Basque, gallego.
Currency Euro
Cellular net Fixed telephone in auto
Sanitary situationGood
Vaccinations NO
Zones to risk Good
Ordinary highway network km 341.230
Motorway net 7736 km.
Railway netkm. 12.546PortsBarcellona, Bilbao, Valencia, Gijon, Siviglia, Aviles.
Airports Madrid, Barcellona
Fuel Green gasoline Diesel GPL
Norms of guide To the right