Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
P E R U'
Signa nazionalePECapitalLIMA
Popolazione 26000000
Surface in Km21285000
ReligionsCatholic, Moslem, Jewess, Protestant
Languages usedSpanish, Quechuae e l'Aymara
Currency Nuevo sol
Sanitary situationPrecarious, Hepatitis (Á.), dysenteries, typhus. Hotbeds of cholera,
Vaccinations febbre gialla
Zones to risk Light risk
Ordinary highway network 71400 km. Motorway net 3.472km. nel 1991
Railway net 71400 kmPortsCallao, San Nicolas, Talara, San Juan. Aereoporti Lima. Fuels Green gasoline
Diesel Hotels Good receipt.
Campings Good.