Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
S W I S S It initials nation CH Capital BERNA
Population 7062000 Surface in Km2 41280
Religions Catholics and Protestants
Used languages French and Italian German.
Coin Swiss Franco
Cellular net Fixed telephone in auto.
Sanitary situation Excellent.
Vaccinations anybody
Sure zones The whole Country.
Ordinary road net 70.998 kms.
Motorway net 1.533 kms
Railway net 5.031 kms.
Aereoporti Zurich, Geneva, Berna.
Fuels Green gasoline Gas-oil GPL
Assisted road 140 in highway to use mullions SOS.
Norms of guide Sense of right