
Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even

a small quotation  - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio



To travel sure


Traduzione in costruzione




1. Dehydration increase: rice water, vegetable broth, salt, carrots, potatoes,lentils avoid:

    milk, dairy products, fruit juice, salad and beans. Get some rehydrant medicine at the chemist's.


2. If you wear tennis shoes, tie them with double knots, so that you can take them off without untying and tying them very time.


3. Always ask  the price of everything first, if you do not want to have any surprise afterwards.


4. Before leaving, take every medicine prescribed by your doctor.


5. In every case it is advisable to take a first aid kit containing:

    anti-inflammatory medicine, aspirin, fast aspirine, anti-burn cream, anti-diarrea tablets, tablets for constipation, bags for oral hydrant

    solutions, bandages, disposable syringes, decongestant, thermometer, anti-bite spray, needle, cotton, woolly jumper, a roll of wrapping

    paper, fork and knife.


6. Do not swim in public pools, rivers or lagoons if you are not sure that the water is clean, anyway it's good to take a shower and get dried

    right away


7. Do not play with monkeys or other wild animals.


8. Wherener there is a rat near you, ignore it and do not try to catch it, it can jump on you and strangle you.


9. Stay away from bugs, big frogs as they are extremely dangerous and poisonous.


10. Avoid using drinking glasses.


11. Do not drink water or any other kind of drink with ice, if you are not sure whether the water used for the ice is clean.


12. Do not sit in any place with shorts or mini skirts.


13. Disinfect or put toilet paper around the toilet seat.


14. Use only mineral water for brushing your teeth.


15. Do not walk bare foot in the hotel, wear only slippers, socks or shoes that have been disinfected.


16. When it is not possible to have good climatization, demand a mosquito net.


17. When you pay the bill with a 20-dollar bill, show it to the waiter closely as it is the same colour as a 5-dollar banknote.


18. Do not speak with fanatic religious as they are "false, dangerous and dishonest".


19. Do not accept invitation from girls who give you a smile, or people who want to give you a massage, if you do not want AIDS or to be



20. Be careful of hippocrates, the only thing that they are interested in is money.


21. Whenever you post any letters in countries such as:

      Brazil, Egypt, Cambodia, make sure that they stamp the letter, so you avoid them taking the money and throwing the letter away.


22. To exception of the Hawaii and other countries where the unemployment doesn't exist, him Foreign is considered rich and therefore in

      the target of the thieves of apartments.


23. Unfortunately in the airport in Milan Malpensa I have not found the expeditious baggage, when I have gotten back him I have realized that you/they had escaped

       objects, therefore an useful suggestion is that not to send cigarettes or other objects of value, because you cannot show him/it and they always steal qual thing.




The author

Giuseppe Di Maggio