Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
Popolazione 17576354
Surface in Km27682300
ReligionsAnglican, Catholic, Christians, Moslem, Languages usedEnglish.
Currency Dollaro australiano
Cellular net Portable telephone and fixed telephone in auto GSM
Sanitary situationgood
Vaccinations NO
Zones to risk Queensland: rivers of the North Queensland and Northern Territory, infested by crocodiles.
Ordinary highway network 62.500 km
Motorway net
Railway net35.486 km.PortsSidney, Melbourne, Perth, BrisbaneAirports Canberra, Sidney, Darwin
Fuel gasoline without lead diesel :. GPL.
Norms of guide To the left
Giuseppe Di Maggio