Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
It initials nationalDK
Surface in Km243093
ReligionsProtestant Lutheran
Languages usedDanish, English
Currency It crowns Danish
Cellular net Telefono portatile Un radiotelefono GSM
Sanitary situationExcellent
Vaccinations NO
Zones to risk you snatch
Ordinary highway network 70922 km.
Motorway net 945 km Railway net230 kmPortsCopenhagen
Airports Copenhagen
Fuel Green gasoline Diesel G.P.L.:
Norms of guide To the right
Soccorso stradale: Falck: 79424285 (lun-dom: 8.30-18); Dansk Autohjaelp 45880025; in autostrada usare colonnine SOS
Campings They are around 510 official campings in Denmark there