Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
ERITREA It initials nationalER
Surface in Km2121143
Linguages usedTigrino , Arab, Italian, English.
Sanitary situationScarce
VaccinationsPeople are recommended, to have vaccinationagainst antimalarica.
Zones to riskThe area to north of Afabet, Sudan, Ethiopia.
Ordinary highway network 900 km.
PortsMassaua, Assab
FuelGasoline, diesel.
First aid Hospital
POLICE Phone. 002911/127799
Airport Office information: Phone. 002911/166817
TAXI Phone. 002911/119355
HOTELS HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL Phone. 002911/ 150400-150506 - FAX 150401 HOTEL SUNSHINE Phone. 002911/ 127880-127655 - FAX 127866 HOTEL CRYSTAL Phone. 002911/ 120934 - Fax: 125939 HOTEL EXPO Phone 002911/ 184242-185012 - FAX 182714 HOTEL SAVANNA Phone. 002911/ 116183-202141 - FAX 20214684