Publication of the month of may 2003 - Prohibited to copy or reproduce even a small quotation - ©- Copyright of Giuseppe Di Maggio ALL RIGHT'S RESERVED
TURKEY It initials nationalTRCapitalANKARA
Popolazione 67000000
Surface in Km2780690
ReligionsMoslem, Christian orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and Jew. Languages usedTurkish, English, French, German and Italian.
Currency Turkish lira
Cellular net Portable telephone and fixed telephone in auto GSM
Sanitary situationgood
Vaccinations NO
Zones to risk No
Ordinary highway network 47.461 km
Motorway net 387 km
Railway net8.429 kmPortsIstanbul, Smirne, Izmit, SamsunAirports Istanbul, Ankara, Smirne.
Fuel Green gasoline Diesel GPL
Norms of guide To the right
Assisted road: The TTOK has a proper service of road help, funzionante to Istanbul
Hotels The addresses profit: TUROB Association National Hotels Istiklal Cad. No. 184 frill Ishan Galatasaray - Istanbul Tel.: 0090-212-2495153, 2514859 Fax: 0090-212-2521664 e-mails:
Hostels The addresses profit: Yüceit Interyouth Hostel Caferiye Sok No: 6/1 Sultanahmetses TK-34400 Istanbul Tel.: 0090-212-5136150, 5136151 Fax: 0090-212-5127628 and-mails:
Campings The addresses profit: Türkiye Kamp you Karavan Dernegi Bestekar Sok No: 62/12 Kavaklidereses Ankara Tel.: 0090-312-4661997 Fax: 0090-312-4268583